Fried Rice VS Steamed Rice

Which One Is Good For You? Fried Rice VS Steamed Rice:

Rice is considered the 3rd largest staple food in the world after corn and wheat. People of Asia are especially have developed a bonding with the rice. It is consumed in various forms and shapes. 

Rice has many different varieties and cooking methods, which are liked by different people and make a fan base of each type. White rice and brown rice are two significant rice categories, and these are cooked by frying and steaming, etc.

This post will discuss the healthy comparison of both methods (fried rice vs. steamed rice) and the essential points related to both of these rice.

Fried Rice Vs Steamed Rice

Steamed Rice:

The method making this is very important to note, as this includes the steam; some people confused it with boiling rice in water which is not the same.

Steamed rice is considered a healthy option by many health experts due to the steam treatment of rice, which retains the healthy nutrients in white rice.

The rice grains are fluffier and less mushy depending upon the level of moisture they face for a given time.

How To Cook Steamed Rice:

The simple steamed rice is relatively easy to make; first, wash the rice so the starchy water leaves and wash to the limit when the water becomes clear.

Then soak the rice in water for 15 minutes, so it absorbs the moisture; after that, pour out the water, and now the rice becomes softer; then take a steaming tray and place the rice bowl in it.

A pot of boiling water is on the stove for the steaming, place the tray with the rice bowl on that pot and cover with the lid for 10 to 15 minutes.

The steam will cook the rice, and the fluffiness will be preserved, and the texture of rice will be nice with a plain good taste.

Steamed rice is perfect for use with Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Indian cuisine as this can complement various types of different foods.


Water is a prime component in making steamed rice, but to add a more good texture and fluff, you can add a little oil, butter or cheese to the rice with a little salt and/or sesame seeds. 

This will enhance not only the taste of rice but also its nutritional value. The steamed rice is usually famous in East Asian countries where they are served with different vegetables and meat cuisine as a lunch or fancy dinner. However, now it is becoming popular in the western countries as an oriental recipe and cultural food of the east.

Some Of The Best Steamed Rice Brands Include:

Fried Rice:

The fried rice is prepared by combining the rice, spices, oil, veggies and meat as per the requirements. The ingredients may differ in many variants, but the cooking method is stir-frying the rice.

There are many kinds of fried rice, e.g., veggie rice, chicken, meat, fish and beef added rice etc. The method of fried rice cooking was developed in the Sui reign (China) in the 7th century.Now spicy foods are very famous in the whole world.   

The different types of fried rice are becoming very popular in the western world and taken as a luxury dish in the top restaurants or in Asian street food stalls.

The ingredients can be varied based on selling, i.e., from red meat to white meat and beans to peas and nuts, and you can add the ingredients according to your taste preferences.

fried rice

How To Cook Fried Rice:

There is a simple cooking method for your convenience.

Take pan or wok, add some oil or butter in it, heat it, add some chopped onions, and fry them brown.

If you like to add an egg now, you can add the egg with the spices of your choices and fry it with onions.

Next step ad some carrots, cabbage or any other vegetables and meat slices (boiled) in the pan. Heat them all for 2 to 4 minutes, and then add the soaked rice to them.

Add some oil in the pan and the sauces for great taste and stir fry all that in the pan for 4 to 5 minutes but reducing the flame. 

Now your fried rice is ready, you can sprinkle the lemon juice on it before serving.

As Told earlier, these rice are totally customizable in the cooking process you can add whatever ingredients you want so your taste buds get the exciting flavor of your choice.

To cook the different types of yummy and mouthwatering fried rice of different types, you need to learn about the cooking methods before going to your kitchen. We helped you in this issue by recommending the best seller cookbook related to fried rice below. You can learn a lot from it and then amaze your family and friends with your amazing newly learn the skill.

Checkout The Following Best Fried Rice Recipes:

Some Of The Best Fried Rice Brands Include:

Healthy Or Not?

As it is a huge debate about the nutritional value of the fried rice. As the stir-frying of rice dramatically reduces the healthy nutrients in the rice, according to some researches.

Here comes a good part, the veggies and meat used in the fried rice will maintain the nutrients balance if not overheated, so you can still have the nutrients like vitamins, proteins and carbs if you cook with a bit of care and proper method.

Some Final Words About Fried Rice VS Steamed Rice:

As we have given you the information about both of these rice.  

Steamed rice vs fried rice is a diverse topic; each type has its own fan bank of foodies, and each has its own taste and ingredients.

We will recommend you to try both of them from time to time to have the healthy ingredients and the yummy taste of them. And please note that excess of everything is terrible, so eat with proper control and look before you eat, so you maintain a balance between your food love and health.  


Checkout White Rice VS Fried Rice

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